Kubota Premium UDT Hydraulic Transmission Fluid 5L
Kubota Premium UDT Hydraulic Transmission Fluid 5L is a premium quality, Kubota approved tractor transmission fluid and hydraulic/wet brake fluid incorporating the latest additive technology.
Kubota Premium UDT Transmission Fluid Features Include:
- Provides high resistance to high temperature breakdown, excellent seal compatibility and anit-wear protection.
- Improved frictional balance for immersed brakes and clutches - reduced brake chatter.
- A winter grade universal type tractor fluid. Meets John Deere spec J20D
- Premium UDT is a winter grade Universal Type Tractor Fluid
Find this Kubota Premium UDT Hydraulic Transmission Fluid (5L) at Kooy Brothers Equipment Ltd. located at 1919 Wilsn Avenue, Toronto Ontario.
for more information.
*Price is subject to change without notice. Errors and omissions exempted.